Royston Road, Cudworth, Barnsley, S72 8AA

01226 719700

Cherry Dale Primary School

Learn Together, Grow Together, Succeed Together




English Statement of Intent

It is our intent at Cherry Dale Primary school to provide our pupils with a quality English curriculum which has been carefully constructed and is well-taught using a range of dynamic teaching approaches. English and the teaching of English is the foundation of our curriculum. We strive to inspire our pupils and help all our pupils foster a love of reading, writing and spoken language. We pride ourselves on being a Read, Write Inc school and using a book based approach to the teaching of English across school.  

It is our intent to immerse children in the wonders of a range and breadth of quality children’s literature. We intend to encourage pupils to read widely and often as we believe frequently reading high quality books across the curriculum engages our pupils and helps them become motivated and independent learners who make connections and ask questions.  We are committed to nurturing our pupils' talents and interests and therefore ensure teachers are knowledgeable about children’s literature so they can source and recommend books which suit the interests and needs of all pupils. Our quest is to develop our children’s word knowledge so that they can interpret the world around them, express themselves with greater clarity and approach any situation with confidence and insight.

It is our intention that by the time pupils leave Cherry Dale Primary School we have transformed all pupils’ outcomes in English. All pupils who leave Cherry Dale are able to read, write and speak confidently with a greater depth of understanding and have a wealth of knowledge and understanding about literature. They will be prepared for secondary education and have acquired the necessary skills, knowledge and understanding to succeed in life.

English Policy 2023