Royston Road, Cudworth, Barnsley, S72 8AA

01226 719700

Cherry Dale Primary School

Learn Together, Grow Together, Succeed Together



Ongoing assessment plays a vital role in shaping learning to meet the needs of all pupils. Through observations, staff develop a clear understanding of a child's achievement and next steps in learning. Observations are recorded on Eaz Mags and linked to the appropriate learning objectives. 

Parents are provided with a unique login to access Eaz Mags, where they can view their child's learning journey and add their own observations. 

To access Eaz mags click the link: 

At Cherry Dale we use objective led planning to ensure pupils move forward in their learning through observing and supporting play, using scaffolding and questioning. 

Your child's attainment against the EYFS curriculum is constantly monitored and updated termly on Eaz Mags.