Royston Road, Cudworth, Barnsley, S72 8AA

01226 719700

Cherry Dale Primary School

Learn Together, Grow Together, Succeed Together

Reception Curriculum


Welcome to Reception.

Here at Cherry Dale, we recognise that it is a privilege to support children at this stage of their lifelong learning journey. We strive to provide an inclusive, nurturing, safe and secure learning environment where children are excited to come to school. We understand the importance of building strong relationships with our children, parents, carers and our wider community. This encourages independent, happy learners who thrive in school and reach their full potential from their own unique starting points.

We offer children a stimulating, broad and balanced curriculum that inspires them to develop a love of learning that will continue throughout their lives. We want our children to become happy, individual learners that are confident to try new things and make mistakes. By providing quality new experiences, our staff support children to develop and articulate their understanding, ask questions, gain vital basic skills, grow their confidence in themselves and build on the energy, interests, knowledge and skills they bring with them to school.

In Reception, high quality play experiences in the indoor and outdoor environment continue to be the medium through which the children engage with learning and develop the communication, physical and social skills they need. Play enables children to develop concentration, practice and apply new learning, explore and experiment with new materials and ways of doing things, solve their own problems and become active participants in their learning. When playing and interacting with the children in their self-chosen activities, staff are able to assess children’s current understanding then model and demonstrate the behaviours, communication skills and vocabulary needed to enable them to make the next steps of progress.

We recognise that some aspects of learning are best taught directly in order for children to acquire and use vital knowledge and skills ready for the next part of their learning journey in Key Stage 1. Alongside our quality provision for play, we provide high quality first teaching in phonics and reading through daily Read, Write Inc lessons and storybook sessions. In addition, children are taught vital maths skills in their daily maths lesson. Teaching is delivered in whole class, small group and individual sessions and is tailored to meet the children’s needs.

We recognise that parents are the most enduring educators and we aim to work alongside them, sharing information about each child, setting next steps together and providing support, ideas and guidance about how they can support their development at home.


Reception Curriculum Overview - 2024-2025

Reception Welcome Booklet September 2024