Royston Road, Cudworth, Barnsley, S72 8AA

01226 719700

Cherry Dale Primary School

Learn Together, Grow Together, Succeed Together

Progression of Knowledge and Skills



At Cherry Dale we use the Early Years Curriculum and link the objectives within the document to the different areas of provision to show progression through the skills. It is important that the resources in the provision reflect the pupils' needs.  After regular observations of pupils, the provision is adapted to meet their needs, providing support and challenge within the continuous provision.


Continuous Provision Skills 

Physical Development (PE) Knowledge and Skills 

Maths Knowledge and Skills 

Understanding the World (Geography) Knowledge and Skills 

Understanding the World (RE) Knowledge and Skills 

Understanding the World (Science) Knowledge and Skills 

Expressive Art and Design (Art) Knowledge and Skills 

Expressive Art and Design (Music) Knowledge and Skills 

Expressive Art and Design (DT) Progression

Computing Knowledge and Skills