Our attendance officer at Cherry Dale is Miss J Conway.
At Cherry Dale, we believe there is a strong link between good attendance and increased attainment. We aim to work in partnership with parents and other agencies to strive towards every child attending school regularly to ensure that they can get the best out of the educational opportunities provided. In order to manage and promote regular attendance in school we will:
- Keep parents updated on attendance via letters home, newsletters, X and the website.
- Monitor students attendance in order to celebrate good and improved school attendance and reward this through competitions, certificates and events.
- Weekly recognition for classes with the winning percentage attendance getting a treat in school the following Friday.
If we have any concerns or worries about a child’s attendance we will notify parents by following the procedure below:
- Communicate to parents either by letter, telephone call or home visit by the EWO to advise their child’s attendance figure if this has dropped below the school target.
- Invite parents in to a meeting with the EWO and Attendance Officer to discuss their child’s attendance and to raise any concerns we have and offer any support and advice on how attendance could be improved.
If there is no improvement to attendance or if we have any further concerns, the EWO may carry out a home visit to discuss with parents any reasons why attendance is not improving and to discuss the possibility of a School Attendance Panel being held at Barnsley Town Hall.
Attendance Policy 2024 and 2025