Royston Road, Cudworth, Barnsley, S72 8AA

01226 719700

Cherry Dale Primary School

Learn Together, Grow Together, Succeed Together


Cherry Dale is committed to delivering an engaging and relevant PSHE and RSE curriculum within a whole school approach. We ensure our curriculum holds children at its heart, and that it helps all our pupils understand and value how they fit into and contribute to the world. With a strong emphasis on families and relationships, building resilience, British values, citizenship, economic wellbeing, safety and nurturing mental and physical health, we ensure that we equip our pupils with the knowledge and skills they need to succeed in life and learning. Teaching mindfulness allows our pupils to advance their emotional awareness, concentration and focus. As a school, we use the Thrive approach to support our pupils' emotional development and adopt a Philosophy for Children (P4C) approach to teaching and learning to help our pupils to become critical thinkers who take responsibility for their own learning.                                                               

                                                                                                                                                                         Home - The Thrive Approach to social and emotional wellbeing           

PSHE and RSE Policy

Curriculum Map PHSE 

Coverage PSHE Association 

PSHE and RSE Rationale

Teaching Sequence

Progression Document - EYFS - KS2

Progression Document whole school 2024 


Wider Curriculum Books

Relationships Education and Physical Health and Wellbeing - DFE Guidance

RSE Questionnaire -