Royston Road, Cudworth, Barnsley, S72 8AA

01226 719700

Cherry Dale Primary School

Learn Together, Grow Together, Succeed Together

Foreign language

Latin Statement of Intent

A high-quality Latin curriculum will provide our pupils with a solid foundation for learning other languages in Key Stage 3 as well as enriching their current knowledge of the English language both in reading and writing. It will equip our children with linguistic knowledge, cultural capital and provide purposeful links to other subjects in the National Curriculum to foster pupils’ curiosity, deepen their understanding of the world and enable our children to make connections. Our intent for teaching Latin is to teach children through a knowledge rich progressive curriculum, using Latin to support vocabulary development, a deeper understanding of grammatical structures in English and for our children to investigate the derivatives of language alongside historical stories. Promoting a love of reading and enhancing our children’s vocabulary development is at the heart of everything we do. As Latin lies at the root of many English words, teaching Latin will impact on the children’s vocabulary development across a range of subjects.

Curriculum Map Latin

Curriculum Overview Latin

National Curriculum Coverage 

Latin Rationale

Teaching Sequence 

Progression Document Latin
