Governing Body
List of Governors and their responsibilities
Acting Chair of Governors: Janice White
Headteacher: Karen Brown
Teacher Governor: Ash Hand
Support Staff Co-opted Governor: Nicola Davies
Early reading: Janet France
Pupil Premium Governor: Lillyan Sosnowski
Safeguarding Governor: Janice White
Health and Safety and GDPR: Rob Milner
EYFS Governor: Clare Hawcroft
Curriculum Governor: Jayne Peary
Online Safety Governor Stuart Sosnowski
Parent Governor and Attendance: Matthew Spurr
Wellbeing Governor - Andy Firth
SEND Governor - Janice White
Parent Governor and Careers - Jason Duffy
Chair and Vice Chair of the Finance and Teaching and Learning Committee, and the Resource Committee are determined at the Autumn Term Meeting of the Governing Body.
There are no registered business interests of governors currently serving on the Cherry Dale Governing body.